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How do I make sure that I
got a concert ticket?
At VenusNation, it is very easy to get and obtain a ticket to UV's amazing experiences and concerts. All it takes is to look, click, look, click, checkout! If you want to make sure that you have obtained a ticket, you must look at the details of your ticket's delivery at checkout. For example, if you checkout with Automatic Reserve delivery, all you have to do is wait until the date of the event and simply join the game! (Restrictions apply if a Health Check is active on the specific event. Please check out what a Health Check is for further information on the restrictions applied.) But on the other hand, if you checkout with a delivery such as Discord Delivery, you will be contacted a ticket via Discord. (How do we send you that? Well, usually when Discord Delivery is active, you will be asked to provide VenusNation with your Discord ID so that you can confirm that your ticket is confirmed fully!
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